November/December: What Katie Ate by Kate Quinn Davies

what katie ate

As the last book of the year we are turning our attention to a book that will be a very interesting experience I hope.  What Katie Ate is a cookbook based on the food blog of Australian/Irish food blogger, Kate Quinn Davies.   I am curious to see how we go exploring a fellow food bloggers recipes and what our experiences are.  Whilst we are using this book at the title, I think it is only fair to let us loose on Kate’s food blog to expand the repertoire and see what we end up with.  Having tested a few recipes, blogging her Irish Soda Bread very successfully, I hope that we find this choice inspiring as fellow food bloggers.  If nothing else her book is great for a browse of some excellent styling with her other passion being photography.

If you’re new to The Cookbook Guru and would like to join in, please do.  We’re a passionate group of foodies who love food and the creation of fabulous meals and dishes, we thrive on authenticity and are not scared to tell it like it is if things are not working.  You can find out how to participate here or by clicking on What Is The Cookbook Guru at the top of the menu page on the blog.

I look forward to seeing what comes out of your kitchen for this final book of 2015.

Happy Reading and Happy Cooking,
